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About Digital Campus

Our global campus is currently set up under the aegis of an umbrella - Muellners Foundation.

You can find more information about the Muellners Foundation at the home page.

The open-source school is deployed on the Open Constitution AI network just like any other digital public service, which you can access here.

Learn Fellowship is a professional training and skill development program.

The Foundation also maintains inter-continental exchange activities that promote collaboration and learning across borders. If you're interested in professional training and skill development, you may want to check out our apprenticeship program.

The apprenticeship covers various disciplines, including Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and more. These courses are carefully designed and peer-reviewed using human-augmented AI on the Open Constitution AI network.

At our School, we believe in providing internationally recognized skill certification based on best practices in qualification standards and competency frameworks.

The Foundation also collaborates with member universities and IT training schools to ensure a comprehensive learning experience for our students.

If you're affiliated with one of our Training Partners or

If you want to link your University or training institution, register the organisation as an E Tenant on the Open Constitution AI network,

We encourage you to register through the Open Bank portal.

We are here to support your educational journey every step of the way!

The Open Source School aims to train at least 1 million humans from low and middle income  countries.

E Residents can utilize "Sentient Bot AI" for conversational search and scanning the entire digital campus for contextual upskilling activities. Any E resident can also seek answers to any queries related to the research programs on the network.

While the bot is in training, we have observed that this human-augmented AI experiences fewer inaccuracies. The primary reason for this is that Sentient Bot’s network search is supported by our peer-reviewed knowledge base.

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